复旦大学吴开亚教授和唐世平教授,以及上海财经大学唐敏教授合著文章 Interpretative Structural Modeling to Social Sciences: Designing Better Datasets for Mixed Method Research 即围绕以上展开。文章把系统科学中的解释结构模型法(Interpretative Structural Modeling, ISM)跟社会科学的“概念分析(conceptual analysis)”以及数据相结合,指出了 ISM 通过更好地设计数据集,在改善数据质量方面所起的重要作用。文章于2024年3月4日发表于 Quality & Quantity。

Abstract: The multiplication of complex datasets in empirical social sciences calls for methods that can improve the design of complex datasets before the actual gathering of data. Yet mainstream scholars in related fields have rarely explored such methods. In this study, we introduce Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) as such a method. As a mixed method, ISM integrates Boolean algebra, matrix theory, and directed graph theory to impose a formal structure to qualitative understanding of a complex system. ISM’s final output is a directed graph that can be visually and easily interpreted. We show that ISM can structure indicators graphically into a multilayered and multi-blocked model, thus uncovering hidden interactions among indicators. By doing so, ISM can reveal hidden and undesired redundancies and incoherencies among indicators within a complex dataset. Most critically, ISM achieves these goals without relying on statistical analysis and hence before the actual gathering of any data. Deploying ISM when designing complex datasets thus facilitates more rigorous conceptualization and understanding of complex social phenomena, steers us away from badly designed complex datasets, and saves precious resource. We use ISM to probe several complex datasets to demonstrate its potentials.
Keywords: Dataset design; Interpretive structural modeling; Mixed-method research; Conceptualization
Authors: Kaiya Wu, Fudan University; Shiping Tang, Fudan University; Min Tang, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Published: Quality & Quantity, 04 March 2024
Access: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11135-024-01838-5
Citation: Wu, K., Tang, S. & Tang, M. Interpretative structural modeling to social sciences: designing better datasets for mixed method research. Qual Quant (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11135-024-01838-5
- 复旦大学“复杂决策分析中心”研究团队成员武轲和刘辰辉,针对ISM的矩阵运算开发了Java和Python程序包,将ISM的矩阵运算完全自动化以便研究人员使用。程序已于ISM Paper GitHub仓库开源。
- 原文可至Springer Link页面阅读或下载。
复旦大学“复杂决策分析中心”主任唐世平教授,是复旦大学特聘教授、教育部“长江学者”特聘教授、国际研究协会(ISA)副主席。作为当代中国最具国际影响的社会科学家之一,他在多个领域均有广泛丰硕的成果。迄今为止,他已出版五部英文专著、三部中文专著、一部英文编著和三部中文编著。其中,Social Evolution of International Politics (《国际政治的社会演化》,牛津大学出版社,2013年)于2015年荣获 ISA “年度最佳著作奖”,是亚洲和中国首位获此殊荣的学者。他的第五部英文专著The Institutional Foundation of Economic Development(《经济发展的制度基础》)于2022年在普林斯顿大学出版社出版。他也是多个国际顶级和一流刊物的第一位来自中国的编委会成员。唐世平教授是中国计算社会科学、特别是决策计算的拓荒者之一,他提出了基于“全数据计算”(total data computation)的“决策计算社会科学”理念。